Below are some readings and resources that my clients and I have found helpful over the years:
Cacciatore, Joanne – Grieving Is Loving
Cook, Julia - My Mouth is a Volcano
Diamond, Michael - My Father Before Me
Friedman, Joan - Emotionally Healthy Twins: A Philosophy of Parenting
Fuller, Margaret - Woman in the Nineteenth Century
Goldrich, Cindy - 8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD
Gottman, John - Why Marriage's Succed Or Fail
Graham, Susan - Fourth Wave Feminist-A Decade in Battle
Harbin, Thomas - Beyond Anger: A Guide for Men
Kohut, Heinz - How Does Analysis Cure?
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth - On Grief and Grieving
Lerner, Harriet - The Dance of Intimacy
Murdock, Maureen - The Heroine’s Journey Book and Workbook
Shankle, William Rodman and Amen, Daniel - Preventing Alzheimer's
Sheets, Melanie Gordon - Out-of-Control: A DBT-CBT Workbook
Tustin, Frances - Autistic Barriers in Neurotic Patients
Van Der Kolk, Bessel - The Body Keeps the Score
Let every woman, who has once begun to think, examine herself.
— Margaret Fuller Ossoli